Welcome to the
Democratic Club of Delray Beach
We are a progressive club working for social, economic, and racial justice. As a member of the Florida Democratic Party and Palm Beach County Democratic Party, our goals are to strengthen and further the ideals and principles of the Democratic Party and to educate people as to why they should vote Democratic and use Vote By Mail as a critical tool in support of this goal. We will support and elect the duly selected nominees of the Democratic Party in national, state and local campaigns.
We meet the Third Thursday of each month, usually at the PBC Democratic Office at 220 Congress Park Drive, Suite 140, Delray Beach.
Videos of our previous meetings are available here. The Democratic Club of Delray Beach will be joining other clubs and caucuses on Thursday September 19, at 7:00 PM for a special presentation by distinguished professor, scholar and author Dr. Robert Watson. This is in lieu of the September meeting of the Democratic Club of Delray Beach and something you will not want to miss.
This is a zoom only meeting so register at https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUtd-6sqDgrGtOWKJ9_h4DhsIFq6gcD5dCY